Snoring is very common. It affects as many as four in 10 people.
Snoring is the noise created by mouth, nose and the throat. Snoring is a common problem these days and it gets worsened with progressive age. Mostly people joke about snoring, but actually it can create serious problems within the family. In market there are varieties of sprays, pills and tablets available that claim to prevent snore but hardly any of these work well. Instead you can try natural remedies & change lifestyle to cure the problem of snore efficiently.
Change Sleeping Position:
Snoring occurs when the body organs namely soft palate, tongue, tonsils in back of throat rub against each other, creating sound during sleep. So in such a case you should avoid lying on your back and try to sleep on your sides. Even you can raise your head by sleeping on thick pillow or multiple pillows; this can help in preventing snore.
Lose Body Weight:
Obesity is one of the major causes of snoring problems. As the neck tissues of overweight people is much bulky which increases the snoring risks in them. So try to reduce your body weight as much as you can.
Avoid Alcohol & Sedatives:
Scientifically it is proved that things causing sedation can also cause snoring problems. Sleeping pills or alcohol causes sedation and thus ultimately leads to snoring. So try avoiding such things.
Treatment of snoring
There are several ways you can control your snoring.- If you're overweight, make changes to your lifestyle so that you can lose some weight. This means eating a healthy balanced diet and doing more exercise.
- Don't drink alcohol before you go to bed.
- Stop smoking. Your GP can give you advice on this.
- Change your sleeping position. When you lie flat on your back, your tongue is more likely to fall back into your throat and block your airway. By sleeping on your side, or by having your head and shoulders slightly tilted upwards, you're less likely to snore.
- Use only one thick pillow (or two thin ones) to increase airflow.
- Elevate your mattress at the end where your head rests by putting pillows underneath it - having your head at a slight angle may help reduce nasal congestion.
- If you have any allergies, doing what you can to reduce contact with allergens (things you are allergic to) may help reduce your risk of snoring. However, more research is needed in this area.
Non-surgical treatments
Mouth guards
A type of mouth guard that pushes your lower jaw forward (mandibular advancement device) can be very effective at reducing snoring for some people. The mouth guard works by improving the air flow when you sleep, making snoring less likely. Your GP or dentist will be able to give you more advice.
Nasal sprays
If your GP thinks that a consistent blocked nose is part of the problem, you may be prescribed a nasal spray to help reduce congestion.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
If your GP thinks the menopause has brought on your snoring, he or she may discuss HRT with you (see Related topics).
Treatment for hypothyroidism
If your GP thinks you have hypothyroidism (very low levels of thyroid hormone) he or she will refer you for some blood tests. If you have hypothyroidism, you will be given the hormone thyroxine. You will need to take this daily (see Related topics).
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